संविदा: 'कुछ खास शर्तों पर किसी कार्य को करने का समझौता' बेलदारी: फावड़ा चलाने का काम कर्मठता: जो बराबर और अच्छी तरह सब या बहुत काम करता रहता हो ठेकेदारी: ठेके पर काम करने वाला व्यक्ति; ठेका लेने वाला व्यक्ति; (कंट्रेक्टर)।
In a business there are two partners ‘P’ and ‘Q’. ‘P’ started the business with the capital of Rs. 25000 and after 3 months ‘Q’ joined h...
A, B and C enter into a partnership, A invest X + 9000, B invest X + 6000 and C invest X + 7500 for one year if B share is 30000 from total profit of 90...
The contributions made by A and B are in the ratio of 4:5. If 10% of total profit is donated and A gets 8200 as his share of profit, what is the total p...
A and B started a retail store with initial investments in the ratio 6:7 and their annual profits were in the ratio 3:4. If A invested the money for 7 m...
Radha started a dairy farm by investing Rs. 80,000. After 4 months, Krishna joined her, contributing Rs. 1,20,000 to the investment. At the end of one y...
A, B and C enter into a partnership, A invest 6X + 15000, B invest 3X + 1000 and C invest X + 8000 for one year if B share is 4000 from total profit of ...
'U' and 'V' jointly start a business by investing a total of Rs. 64,000, with their investments in the ratio of 9:5, respectively. They each invested th...
Arjun has invested an amount denoted as 'a' for a span of 16 months, while Bheem has invested 'a + 5000' for a period of 12 months. Their combined profi...
P and Q started a business by investing Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 15,000 respectively. p also worked as the active manager and for that he is entitled to recei...
A invested Rs. X in a scheme. After 6 months, B joined with Rs 4000 more than that of A. After an year, ratio of profit of B to the total profit was 3: ...