"लड़के ने किताब पढ़ रही है।" में "पढ़ रही" स्त्रीलिंग है जबकि "लड़के" पुल्लिंग है। सही रूप "पढ़ रहा है" होना चाहिए।
Rice at Rs 80/kg is mixed with rice at Rs.40/ kg in a certain ratio such that by selling the mixture at Rs.60/ kg profit of 20% is made. If the quantity...
583.9 + 1519.98 - 445.21 = 1150.011 + ?
49.99% of 539.99 + 263.98% of 49.99 = ?% of 1608.01
(10.013 – 12.04) = ? + 7.98% of 4999.98
(2520.33 ÷ 41.67) × (√168.88 + √80.78) - 10% of 1499.85 = ?
447.79 ÷ √(√2400) + 30.94 × 6.07 – 5.08 × 21.96 = ?
(14.98% of 319.99) - 7.998 = √?
66.05 × 17.95 – 38.99 × 18.12 = (60 + ?) × 6
(14.14 × 29.98) + 20.15% of 549.99 = ? + 120.34
13.96% of (141.17 + 158.85) + 7.95³ - (6.88 of 9.07) = ? of (58.06 - 13.02)