मैं चलती थी। " का बहुवचन " हम चलते थे। " होगा। यहाँ " मैं " ( जो एकवचन है ) का बहुवचन " हम " होता है , और " चलती थी " का रूप भी बहुवचन के अनुसार बदल जाएगा - " चलते थे " ।
Which Court has the power to exercise appeal and revision as per section 27 of the Prevention of Corruption Act?
Which of the following is essential requirement of 'Gift"?
The thief in order to steal something, creeps after sunset into a ship at a port- hole between decks and then leaves before sunrise. He has committed
Where debentures are issued by a company, the company shall create a debenture redemption reserve account_______________
Under SEBI Act 1992, Court shall not take cognizance of any offence except
The offence of dishonor of the cheque excludes
What are the various ground on the basis of which RBI may cancel a licence granted to a banking company?
Who are the Class I heirs under the Hindu Succession Act?
Which of the following is not considered unpublished price sensitive information?
A proxy ___________ the right to speak at such meeting and shall not be entitled to vote except on a poll