'Affidavit' का उपयुक्त हिंदी पर्याय 'शपथ-पत्र' है, जो एक कानूनी दस्तावेज होता है और सत्यापन के लिए शपथ लेकर भरा जाता है। शपथ-पत्र का उपयोग न्यायिक और प्रशासनिक कार्यों में होता है।
There are 15 numbers such that average of first 12 numbers is 65 while the average of last five numbers is 76. Find the 12th number, if the ratio betwee...
The average salary of 28 employees is recorded as ₹ 16,584. If the salary of an employee with value ₹14,526 was entered Wrongly as ₹ 41,238, then ...
The average of 27 numbers is 20.The average of first 13 numbers is 15 and that of the last 13 numbers is 18. What will be the 27th number?
A cricketer scored 240 runs in his first six matches of a tournament. Find the average runs the cricketer must score in the next four matches so that hi...
The average weight of 4 persons is 30 kg. The heaviest person’s weight is 24 kg more than the lightest person’s weight. If the average weight of the...
The average age of 6 sisters is 30 yr. If the age of the youngest sister be 5 yr. What was the average age of the group of sister just before the birth ...
The average mark obtained by Khushi in four papers was 51, and in the fifth paper, she obtained 56 marks. Find his new average in all five papers.
The average weight of a group of 15 students increases by 1.5 kg when the weight of the teacher is also included. If earlier the average weight of the g...
The certain sum amounts to Rs11313.5 in 2(1/2) years at 12% p.a., interest compounded 10 months. The sum (in Rs) is:
The average temperature of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is 50°. The average temperature for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday is 60°....