'कृतघ्न' का अर्थ है वह व्यक्ति जो किए गए उपकार को न मानता हो। • 'कृतघ्न' का उपयोग नकारात्मक व्यवहार को दर्शाने के लिए किया जाता है। • यह शब्द उपकार का अपमान करने वाले व्यक्ति के लिए प्रयुक्त होता है।
In a certain code language, 'DECK' is written as 'EGFO'. How will 'FINDER' be written in that language?
In a certain code language, ‘NUMERICAL’ is written as ‘ICALRNUME’ and ‘SCATTERED’ is written as ‘EREDTSCAT’. How will ‘EXPLOSION’ b...
In a certain code language, ‘GRABPONT’ is written as ‘NTIVVGLM’. What is the code for ‘TMVLRBDE’ in that code language?
...In a certain code language, FRUCTUS is coded as 108, and SPRINTER is coded as 119. How will MASCULINE be coded in that language?
In a certain language, CHHAPAK is coded as DJKEUGR. How will MALANGA be coded in that language?
Unicode provides:
In a certain code language, 'BELL’ is coded as '111141' and 'HEAR' is coded as '172647'. How will 'MIKE' be coded in that language?
Select the option in which the words share the same relationship as that shared by the given pair of words.
Cricket : Shikhar Dhawan
In a certain code language, 'BEHOLD’ is written as 'BDEHLO' and 'INDEED' is written as 'DDEEIN'. How will 'COURSE' be written in that language?
In a certain code language, BEARD is coded as DGCTF and WORKER is coded as YQTMGT then, in the same manner, how RATHER would be coded?