'युगसूत्र' का अर्थ है वह ग्रंथ या सूची जिसमें युगों का वर्णन किया गया हो। • यह शब्द युगों के क्रम और उनके विश्लेषण को संदर्भित करता है। • 'युगसूत्र' में प्राचीन भारतीय कालगणना का उल्लेख किया जाता है।
Recent decades has seen a sharp deterioration in the quality of jobs in both public and private sectors.
The graduate students have discovered that they can address issues more effectively through letter writing campaignes and not through public demonst...
One also recalls many a minister operating from the police control rooms and directing the anti-minority operations.
If you (like) olives, you will love this pizza.
I enjoyed the culture, food and temple visits and decided to coming in India.
Participants will have to learn any one of the Indian dance forms in the first year, yoga in the second year and any Indian martial art of the...
In each question below, a sentence is given with a part of it printed in bold type. That part may contain a grammatical error. Each sentence is followe...
He wasn’t really a practising Buddhist , it transpired, but he had enthusiasm.
If the bus hadn’t broken down, we will be at home now.
Direction: In the sentence given below, a part is highlighted and suggestions for its correction are given below the sentence. Choose the correct opti...