वाक्य 'समय पर आना सभी का कर्तव्य है।' व्याकरण और संरचना के अनुसार सही है। • वाक्य में शब्दों का क्रम और भाव पूर्ण रूप से सही हैं।
To resolve bad loans within a period of five years the Finance Minister of India Shri. Nirmala Sitharaman has set up a company naming?
What theme was decided to celebrate the second ‘International Day of Yoga’ in India?
On 29th June every year which of the following days is being observed?
Which of the following is called the Upper House of the Indian Parliament?
How many world heritage sites have been protected by UNESCO as of June 2020?
Which one of the following is NOT an element?
Mughal ruler, Aurangzeb died in which year?
In which year did E Gorter and F Grendel make a breakthrough by examining the surface area of lipids and concluded that the lipid surface surrounding ce...
Aditi Ashok is associated with which sports?
Consider the following statements with respect to the changed D-SIB designation methodology by the Reserve Bank of India-
I.The Reserve Bank of...