'बच्चा कच्चा है' का अर्थ है अनुभव की कमी होना या किसी कार्य में नई शुरुआत करना। • यह वाक्य विशेष रूप से किसी नए व्यक्ति के संदर्भ में उपयोग किया जाता है। • यह अनुभव और ज्ञान की कमी को इंगित करता है।
Video transmission over the Internet that looks like delayed live casting is called :
Which memory type is known for its low power consumption and high speed?
Bluetooth is a type of radio wave information transmission system that is good for about ____________
What is the primary purpose of virtual memory?
Which memory type has the fastest access time?
The initial values in all the cells of an EPROM is ______________
Which of the devices converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form?
Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer ?
IPv4 and IPv6 are addresses used to identify computers on the internet. Find the correct statement out of the following :
Why would BCC: be used in an e-mail?