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जब अ अथवा आ के आगे ‘इ’ अथवा ‘ई’ आता है तो इनके स्थान पर ए हो जाता है। इसी प्रकार अ या आ के आगे उ या ऊ आता है तो ओ हो जाता है तथा अ या आ के आगे ऋ आने पर अर् हो जाता है। दूसरे शब्दों में, हम इस प्रकार कह सकते हैं कि जब अ, आ के आगे इ, ई या ‘उ’, ‘ऊ’ तथा ‘ऋ’ हो तो क्रमश: ए, ओ और अर् हो जाता है, इसे गुण सन्धि कहते हैं।
A shopkeeper bought two articles for Rs. 200 each. If he sold one of them at 40% profit and the other at 25% loss, then find the difference between the ...
When a person sold an article, his profit% is 70% of the selling price. If the cost price is increased by 80% and the selling price remains the same, th...
A shopkeeper marked an article 60% above the cost price and sold it after giving a discount of 20%. Had he sold the article witho...
The marked price of an article is Rs. 120 more than its cost price. The article is sold at 50% discount such that the seller earns a profit of Rs. 20. F...
Mohan sold an article for Rs. 15,000. Had he offered a discount of 10% on the selling price, he would have earned a profit of 8%. What is the cost price...
Sunita bought a bicycle and sold it at a profit of 30%. Had she bought it for Rs. 600 less and sold it for Rs. 660 more, she would have earned a profit...
If the selling price of 5 items is equal to the cost price of 8 items, then what will be the profit percentage?
Amit makes 900 articles at a cost of 40 paise/article. He fixed the selling price such that if only 500 articles are sold, he would have made profit of ...
A seller marked an article 25% above its cost price and sold it after giving a discount of Rs. 60. If the seller earned a profit of 20% in the transacti...
A shopkeeper planned to sell 200 shirts each priced at Rs 2,240 in a particular year. Each shirt, if it had been sold at the mentioned price would have ...