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The correct answer is B
Which of the following rights are included under article 21 of the constitution ?
1. Right to choose one’s gender identity
2. Right...
Which of the following statements is/are correct in regards to the IMF?
1.The IMF formally came into existence on 27 December 1945
Where did Gandhiji put in his first major public appearance after returning from South Africa in 1915?
At the time of the First Round Table Conference, the Governor-General of India was:
Which of the following statement is/are incorrect regarding “Trade Union Act 1926”?
I. The need for a legal framewor...
Boulwarism is a:
What is the average of first 21 multiples of 2.1?
The assumption that "man is selfish and self-centered, and always tries to achieve his own ends even at the cost of others" explains which theory of la...
आकाश का पर्यायवाची शब्द है :
The country India shares longest international boundary with