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The correct answer is D
Late blight of potato is caused by:
Suitable inter crops for autumn planted sugarcane
Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: In a typical watershe...
The degree of responsiveness between output and input is measured by:
What is the floor space required for “Broiler Poultry (sq. ft.)”
Which technique uses double stranded RNA (dsRNA) as a trigger that targets homologous mRNAs for degradation or inhibiting its transcription translation?
Desmotubules are identified in which of the following organelles
A field experiment set up in RBD has 9 treatments and 3 replication, what will be the DF for the error term
The hormone responsible for promoting root growth and apical growth is:
What is the colustrum requirement for the new born calf on the basis of body weight