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'आवश्यक' का विलोम 'अनावश्यक' है, जिसका अर्थ होता है जो जरूरी न हो।
राजस्थान के किस जिले में सर्वाधिक लिंगानुपात है ?
On which of the following date World habitat Day is celebrated every year?
There are some major plan related statements for women empowerment and child development in Uttarakhand, which of the following statements is not correct?
Which temple was awarded the best ‘Swachh Iconic Place ‘in India?
The Competition Commission of India (CCI), which regulates anti-competitive practices in the marketplace, is a statutory body under the _______.
In which district of Uttarakhand the first cement factory will be set up?
Okhla Bird Sanctuary is situated in which of the following state?
Under which of the following articles comes the appointment of Administrator of the Union territory by the President of India?
Who was the first Governor of Madhya Pradesh?
Which nation is relocating its capital to Nusantara?