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'वाचाल' शब्द का अर्थ होता है 'जो अधिक बोलता है'। यह विशेष रूप से उन व्यक्तियों को कहा जाता है जो निरंतर बोलते रहते हैं। • व्याख्याता का अर्थ है 'वक्ता' या 'प्रोफेसर' जो किसी विषय पर व्याख्यान देता है, परंतु यह शब्द अधिक बोलने के संदर्भ में नहीं आता। • वैशाखनंदन और कौशिक ये अन्य विशेषण हैं और 'वाचाल' के पर्यायवाची नहीं हैं।
A fruit seller buys oranges at the rate of 12 for ₹60 and sells them at the rate of 8 for ₹48. Find his percentage profit.
Profit percentage received on a product when sold for Rs.550 is equal to the percentage loss incurred when the same product is sold for Rs.420. Find the...
The cost price of two articles is same. One article is sold at 20% profit and another at 10% loss. If the selling price of one article is Rs. 999 more t...
A shopkeeper raises the price of a watch by 20%, followed by another increase of 30%. After offering a 25% discount, he makes a p...
A person bought an article and sold it at a loss of 25%. If he had bought it at 20% less and sold it for 63 more, he would have gained 20%. Find the pro...
A retailer purchased several pants at a cost of Rs. 200 each and sold them for Rs. 300 per piece. He also incurred an average transportation expense of ...
A shopkeeper sold a school bag at a profit of 35%. Had he sold the school bag at 15% profit he would have earned Rs.148 less. Find the cost price of the...
A, B and C enter into a partnership, A invest 6X + 15000, B invest 3X + 1000 and C invest X + 8000 for one year if B share is 4000 from total profit of ...
A shopkeeper bought an article and marked it at Rs. 650. By selling the article at a discount of 4%, he earns a profit of 20%. Find the cost price of th...
If the selling price of an item is 3/4 of its cost price, then what will be the loss/profit percentage?