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विश्व हिंदी सम्मेलन में पारित किये गये मन्तव्य थे- १- संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ में हिन्दी को आधिकारिक भाषा के रूप में स्थान दिया जाये। २- वर्धा में विश्व हिन्दी विद्यापीठ की स्थापना हो। ३- विश्व हिन्दी सम्मेलनों को स्थायित्व प्रदान करने के लिये अत्यंत विचारपूर्वक एक योजना बनायी जाये।
As per section 4 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 the trial of an offence...
A mortgagee in possession has the right to :
Necessary parties and proper parties ________________
If a fact constitutes an occasion of a fact or a relevant fact it is considered as a relevant fact. Is it covered under doctrine of res gestae?
Which schedule of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition Of Insider Trading) Regulations deals with Principles of Fair Disclosure for p...
Where in Sale of Goods Act any reference is made to a reasonable time, the question what is a reasonable time is
Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act provides that a person shall be qualified for appointment as the Chairperson of an Appellate Tribunal if he ______...
A agrees to sell to B, for Rs. 1,000, “my white horse”. A has two white horses.
The Prevention of Corruption Act lays down that a special Judge may take cognizance of offences without the accused being committed to him for trial and...
As per the Prevention of Corruption Act a special Judge, while trying an offence punishable under this Act, shall exercise