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संथाली आस्ट्रो-एशियाटिक भाषा परिवार से सम्बंधित है। इस परिवार की अन्य प्रमुख भाषाओं में हो ,मुंडारी, भूमिज, इत्यादी भाषायें हैं।
Recently which of the following international firm signed a contract with Wipro for five-year for digital transformation?
What is the purpose of the Anusandhan National Research Fund under Priority 8 of the budget?
With respect to Revenue Budget, Consider the following statement:
I. Tax revenues
II. Non-Tax revenues...
The IOC has selected _________, to host the 2022 Winter Olympics
According to Times of India report, which of the following bank will be among the world’s top 10 most valuable banks after its merger with the par...
Consider the following statement:
I. 157 new nursing college will be established under t...
As per the Economic Survey 2023-24, which of the following is NOT a flaw in the current global approach to climate change, as identified in the survey?
The banking system, which had accumulated bad debts during the period of economic resurgence after the 1991 reforms, was supported through the deregulat...
Which of the following is not covered under priority sector?
Recently which of the following telecommunication company of in India has completed a successful trial of the country’s first 5G private network a...