इसे विद्यानिवास मिश्र जी वसंत ऋतु पर लिखे अपने निबंध संकलन 'फागुन दुइ रे दिना' में वसंत के पर्वों को व्याख्यायित करते हुए, 'अपना अहंकार इसमें डाल दो' शीर्षक से लिखे निबंध में वे 'शिवरात्रि' पर लिखते हैं।
The average of 15 numbers is 110. The average of the first 7 numbers is 98 and the average of the last 7 numbers is 62. What is the 8th number?
The average price of 10 stickers is Rs.12 while the average price of 8 of these stickers is Rs.11.75. Of the remaining two stickers, if the price of one...
A bowler gives 16.2 runs per wicket. He gives 32 runs and takes 8 wickets in a last match after which his average becomes 15.4 runs per wicket. How many...
The average age of a class of 20 girls is 16 years. If 4 new girls having average age of 10 years join the class, then the average age of the class beco...
18 years ago the average age of a family of four members was 45 years. Two children were born in that span of 18 years. The present average age of the ...
The average of 30 numbers was initially calculated as 45. However, it was later found that one of the numbers had been incorrectly recorded as 83 instea...
Each question contains a statement followed by Quantity I and II. Read the information clearly and answer your questions accordingly.
In a school with 400 students, the average of the age of the boys is 16 years and that of the girls is 12 years. If the average age of the school is 14 ...
A number is such that when it is multiplied by 5, it gives another number which is as much above from 210 as the original number (itself) is below 210. ...
The average of five even numbers is 72. If we replace two of these even numbers, 84 and 92, with a single even number X, the new average decreases by 4....