केंद्रीय हिंदी निदेशालय द्वारा देवनागरी लिपि के बारे में निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार कीजिए:
1. देवनागरी लिपि तथा हिंदी वर्तनी का मानकीकरण करना
2. परिवर्धित देवनागरी का विकास एवं प्रचार करना
3. भारतीय भाषाओं की कुछ चुनिंदा रचनाओं को डिजिटल रूप में तैयार करना
उपर्युक्त में से कौन-सा/कौन-से कथन सही है/हैं ?
The correct answer is D
Which of the following is not one of the main components of a video card?
When changes in data across multiple lists are not synchronized, it leads to:
What is the primary purpose of using a watermark on a digital document or image?
Which document view given an appearance as in web browser?
What is the purpose of a hardware security module (HSM) in cryptography?
Animation are created with ____________programs.
In MS Word, the Thesaurus tool serves the purpose of:
Which of the following topologies has the highest reliability?
In the context of cybersecurity, what does the term zero-day vulnerability refer to?
Which of the following alignment cannot be placed where the tab stops ?