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Brooder House: Brooder / chick house- It is used to brood and rear egg-type chicks from 0 to 8 weeks of age. Grower house- It is used to grow egg-type birds from 9 to 18 weeks of age. Brooders cum grower house-Here, the birds are reared from 0 to 18 weeks of age (entire brooding and growing period of egg-type chicken). Layer house- In which birds over 18 weeks of age are reared, usually up to 72 weeks of age. Broiler house- In which broilers are reared up to 6 weeks of age.
If Radhika is the wife of Geet and Jayesh is married to Kaveri then how is Radhika related to Kaveri?
Statement: L ≥ X ≤ Z > Y ≤ A, Y = B ≥ C
Conclusion: I. C > A II. A ≥ C
...How is uncle of S related to N?
Who among the following is brother-in-law of M?
In a family, there are seven persons, comprising two married couple, S is the only child of N and the granddaughter of L. N is a widow. N and Q are sist...
How is L related to M?
P, L, T, B, N and D are six members of a business family. N is the son of B, who is not the mother of N. L is the brother of B. D and B are a married co...
V is married to F. S is the daughter of V, who is the mother-in-law of L. B is the son of L. F has only one child. How is F related to L?
If 'O' is 'M's daughter; 'N' is 'O's brother; 'K is 'N's father and 'F' is 'K's mother, then how is F related to 'M'?
Which of the following indicates that ‘T is paternal uncle of W’?