ATMA Governing Board : 1. District magistrate / Collector Chairman 2. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Vice-Chairman 3. Joint Director / Deputy Director (Agri.) Member 4. A member from ZRS / KVk Member 5. One farmer representative Member
When starch and amylase are mixed in the presence of iodine solution, the blue-black colour rapidly disappears. This is due to the formation of which mo...
Diploid Chromosome number of kabuli gram is
Milk is an excellent source of
Japanese style of floral arrangement is termed as
Family of sesame is
A day is known as rainy day when in 24 hours rainfall is
Cocconut contains how much percentage of oil?
Which law states that the profit from a limited amount of variable input is maximized when that input is used in such a way that marginal return from th...
Cyanogenic glycosides are considered toxic because they can release hydrogen cyanide, a highly toxic compound, when the plant tissue is damaged, crushed...
Crops grown to supplement the yield of main crops are called