CAM plants open their stomata closed their stomata during day and open during night time which helps them to conserve moisture. They are efficient in storing water. They have thick skin waxy coating to reduce evaporation losses.
95.001% of 8219.99 - 4/9 % of 5399.98 + 109.99 = ?
(15.87% of 79.98 + 19.69% of 64.22) × 4.83 = ?
(18.22) 2.02 + (13.89) 2.12 – (44.88) 2.07 = ? – 1604.85
?2 = 159.97% of 65.004 + 319.98 ÷ 15.99 - 24
?% of (742÷ 7.911) = (11.01)2
5.55% of 8120 – 66.66% of 540 = ? – 28% of 5500
32.052- 22.03 x 24.199 - 15.18 x 11.04 = ?
? × [(16.87) 2 – (6.98) 2 ] = 5.04× 191.11
2380.03 ÷ 84.98 x 39.9 = ? + 15.32