Convolvulus arvensis or Field bind weed flowers have a funnel shaped corolla with 5 lobes that are united with very shallow joining lines between the lobes that look more like wrinkles in the white corolla.
Select the correct mirror image of the given combination when the mirror is placed at 'MN' as shown below.
Select the correct mirror image of the given combination when the mirror is placed at line AB as shown.
A mirror is placed and which of the Answer Figures is the right image of the given Question Figure?
Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed to the right of the figure.
Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed at MN as shown below:
Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed at MN as shown below.
Select the correct mirror image of the given combination when the mirror is placed at ‘AB’ as shown.