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System of rice intensification (SRI) is a method of rice cultivation which was first time developed in Madagascar, 1980 by French scientist Henrie de laulanie. In India it was first started in TNAU, Coimbatore followed by AP. It ensures 30-50 yield increment. SRI involves the following set of practices 1.     Raised bed nursery with seed rate of 5 kg/ha. 2.     Transplanting young seedling 8-10 days old 3.     Planting only 1 seedling /hills at wider spacing (25 ×25 cm) 4.     Field are not flooded rather wet upto vegetative stage, after that 1-2 inch of water 5.     1-2 hand weeding after 10-12 DAT and mechanical weeding by conoweedee 6.     Organic manure application
A man travelled a total distance of 350 km. He travelled first 200 km on car with a speed of 20 km/h and rest of the distance on bike whose speed is 5 k...
The distance between two points 'P' and 'Q' is 2,400 km. Karan and Mohit can cover the distance between 'P' and 'Q' in 40 hours and 32 hours, respective...
A train 180 meters long passes a man walking in the same direction at 6 km/h in 15 seconds. What is the speed of the train?
‘K’ and ‘L’ are going from place ‘X’ to place ‘Y’, which is 1100 km apart. If ‘K’ started 3 hours after ‘L’ but both of them rea...
‘A’ and ‘B’ started moving towards each other at same time with a speed of 27 km/hr and 15 km/hr, respectively. If the distance covered by ‘Aâ...
‘A’ and ‘B’ started moving towards each other at same time with a speed of 25 km/hr and 20 km/hr, respectively. If the distance covered by ‘Aâ...
X started to run from point ‘A’ to ‘B’ at a speed of 28 km/hr at 9:00 am and Y started to run from point ‘B’ to ‘A’ at a speed of 12 km/...
Travelling at a speed of 54 km/h, Chaman reaches a place 3 minutes early. If he had travelled at a speed of 48 km/h, he would have been 1 minute late. W...
‘A’ and ‘B’ started moving towards each other at same time with a speed of 25 km/hr and 15 km/hr, respectively. If the distance covered by ‘Aâ...
Emily walks to the library at 4 km/h and returns at 2 km/h. The total time spent traveling is 9 hours. What is the distance from her home to the library?