Synoptic charts are popular all over the world because display the weather conditions at a specified time over a large geographical area. To assess, assimilate and analyse the vast data, it needs to be suitably presented. For this purpose, the observations are plotted on maps in standard weather codes. These maps are called ‘Synoptic maps or charts’
What is the time limit for filing appeal against the order of Cyber appellate tribunal?
Which of the following legal systems is based on judicial precedent?
What is private document?
The presiding officer in an arbitral tribunal of 3 arbitrators shall be appointed by ?
The principle of confidentiality in the arbitration and conciliation act 1996 is laid down in
A vice president can act as a president maximum for the period of:
Sedition is an offence if anyone expresses disaffection towards the Government established by law in India by way of-
The Nanda Devi peak is located in :
An agent who is guilty of misconduct in the business of the agency, is___________________
Ensuring the safety, health and welfare of the employees is the primary purpose of the _________________