Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY), launched on 10th September 2020 focuses on harnessing fisheries sector potential and aims to double the fish farmers income.
Which of the following is a limitation of the Command and Control approach in environmental economics?
If a tax is placed on the product in this market, tax revenue paid by the buyers is the area
An economist calculated the cross-price elasticity of demand for nicknacks and gizmos and got -0.5. What can she conclude about the relationsh...
What is the value of the balanced budget multiplier?
What happens in long run under monopolistic competition?
Suppose the money supply in Mexico grows more quickly than the money supply in the USA. We would expect that
Which of the following four-firm concentration ratios is most consistent with monopolistic competition?
If coefficient of correlation rxy= 1, then
The correlation coefficient between X and -X is:
A subsidy can actually cause the consumption of a subsidized good to fall if