As a green manure, sunn hemp is mainly grown during the rainy season.
As per the fourth advanced estimates the estimated total foodgrain production (2021-22) in India is _____
Depending upon the variety, the recommended seed rate for planting of sugarcane in Punjab ranges between:
Which thoracic segment of a cockroach gives rise to the first pair of wings, known as tegmina?
Adopter category is based on
A series of still pictures on one roll is called:
The Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology (CIFHET), is situated at:
Nari Shakti Purskar Yojna guideline was revised in which year?
When was the Lakhpati Didi Yojana launched?
If germination per cent of seed sample is 90, purity 80% what is real value:
Which organelle acts as repository of genetic information and is also the cell's control center?