They can be broken up by using a subsoiler or by deeper ploughing. Pans may also be formed by the deposition of iron compounds, and sometimes humus, in layers in the soil or subsoil.
3 ? 7 16 71 346
...21, 37, 62, 98, 147, ?
In each of the following questions the number series is given. One term of the series is denoted by x. You have to calculate of value of x and by using ...
979.001 + 4.0087× 82.79 = ?
...4 5.5 19 .5 98.5 694 6251.5...
8 9 ? 57 164 945
...104 156 234 ? 526.5 789.75
...To find the Next number in the given series.
6 9 13 19 29 47 ?
...D irection: Which of the following will replace ‘?’ in the following series
300, 300, 301, 303, ‘?’, 324, 364
...24 25 46 ? 572 2885