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Trichoderma viride is a fungus and a biofungicide. It is used for seed- and soil treatment for suppression of various diseases caused by fungal pathogens.
Which of the following is the first test in the F-G test for Multicollinearity?
A worker’s wage in 1996 was Rs.180. What should be the wage in 1999 so that the worker remains at the same level of consumption? [Consider 1995 as...
IftheregressionlineofYonXisY=30-0.9XandthestandarddeviationsareSx=2andSy=9,thenthevalueofthecorrelatio ncoefficientrxyis
...As per recent economic survey, what role did the RBI's monetary policy play in controlling core inflation in FY24?
In two commodity worlds if one good is inferior then the other must be
The lines of regression of a bivariate population are:
3x-4y=10 and 5y-9x=15. Calculate the correlation coefficient in ...
If interest payments are subtracted from gross fiscal deficit, the remainder will be
What is the dual problem for given linear programming problem?
Z = Max (4x1 + 5x2 + 7x3)
s.t. 3x1 + x2 + 6x3 <= 3
x1 + 2x2 + x...
Fisher’s cash transaction equation is expressed as
The graph that shows the relationship between the size of a tax and the tax revenue collected by the government is known as a