Citrus canker is bacterial disease caused by Xanthomonas axonopoides pv. citri.
What is the average number of voters voting in Maharashtra, Haryana andUttar Pradesh?
Find the ratio between the number of tulip flowers from departments C and that of from department E.
If Workers A and B work together for 12 days, how much of the total 500 units of work will they complete?
If the shop sold 60% of the total number of pizzas baked by it on the day on which number of regular sized pizzas baked by it is maximum, then find the ...
Total sale of store on Thursday by selling Levis T-shirts is Rs.27000. If per unit price of Puma T-shirts is 15% more than that of Levis T-shirts, then ...
What is the total number of male employees in the company?
Find the ratio of number of NIVEA moisturizers sold on Wednesday and number of HIMALAYA moisturizers sold on Friday.
Find average number of boys in school – C, D and E.
Number of article sold by A on Friday is what percent of total number of article sold by D on all the days?
Find the average number of platinum tickets sold in theatre B and D, if total number of tickets available in theatre B and D are 250 and 300 respectively.