Homozygous - An individual with two identical alleles for a given trait.
In which crop earthing is not required?
Which one of the following five year plans has the highest growth rate in Agriculture sector in India?
Centre of origin of mint
A farmer has taken 3 lakh loan under KCC, after interest subvention farmer has to pay what percentage of interest if he has timely repaid the loan?
The minimum number of satellites needed for a GPS to determine its position precisely is
Aluminium phosphide is a kind of ?
________is a practice of growing strip of crops having poor potential for erosion control (e.g. root crop, cereals) alternated with strips of crops havi...
The scientific study of soil management and crop production, including irrigation and the use of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers is called
How much area in percentage is covered under storage in rural go down?
Which one of the following is best stage for the harvesting of Anthurium