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Law of Equimarginal returns states that the profit from a limited amount of variable input is maximized when that input is used in such a way that marginal return from that input is equal in all the enterprises. This law is concerned with the allocation of the limited amount of resource among different enterprises.
What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series?
12, 13, 22, 47, 96, 177, ?
452, 369, ?, 217, 146, 79
21, ?, 93, 156, 237, 336
63 131 267 ? 1083 2171
120 124 151 167 292 ?
7 4 5 9 20 ? 160.5
32 48 96 ? 720 2520
195% of 1420 + 72 × 25 =?
580 557 528 497 ? 419
16, 15, 24, -1, 48, ?