Most essential plant nutrients are readily available to plants at neutral pH (around pH 7). This is the pH range where nutrient solubility and plant root uptake are optimized. Acidic soils (low pH) tend to have reduced availability of nutrients like phosphorus (P). In acidic conditions, phosphorus becomes less soluble and may form insoluble compounds, limiting its uptake by plant roots. Alkaline soils (high pH) can actually limit the availability of certain micronutrients, such as iron (Fe). In alkaline conditions, iron can become less soluble and less accessible to plants.
As per the fourth advanced estimates the estimated total foodgrain production (2021-22) in India is _____
Depending upon the variety, the recommended seed rate for planting of sugarcane in Punjab ranges between:
Which thoracic segment of a cockroach gives rise to the first pair of wings, known as tegmina?
Adopter category is based on
A series of still pictures on one roll is called:
The Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology (CIFHET), is situated at:
Nari Shakti Purskar Yojna guideline was revised in which year?
When was the Lakhpati Didi Yojana launched?
If germination per cent of seed sample is 90, purity 80% what is real value:
Which organelle acts as repository of genetic information and is also the cell's control center?