Glufosinate controls weeds by inhibiting glutamine synthetase (herbicide site of action 10), an enzyme involved in the incorporation of ammonium into the amino acid glutamine.
3 5 ? 75 1125 84375
...The question below is based on the given series I. The series I satisfy a certain pattern, follow the same pattern in series II and answer the questions...
43 36 50 29 ? 22
...14 20 35 ? 433 2167
...5 9 36 ? 177 213
...10 19 58 ...
3, 4, 10, 33, 136, ?, 4116
6 55 91 116 132 ? .
64 96 48 72 36 ?
...25 13.5 12.5 20.75 39.5 ? 302.25