Atrazine is a chemical herbicide.
In the case of public nuisance, a plaintiff can bring an action in tort only when:
Who are the members of the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority as per the PFRDA Act?
According to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 what is the requirement of minimum paid-up capital in case of a banking company incorporated outside India?
Part II of the IBC shall apply to the matters relating to the insolvency and liquidation of corporate debtors where the_____________________
What is the cooling-off period required for a public interest director to become a non-independent director after ceasing to be a public interest direc...
What is the maximum amount of interim compensation that can be granted by the Court under Negotiable Instruments Act?
As per the Companies Act the Official Liquidator within thirty days of his appointment shall call upon the creditors of the company ____________ within...
What is the general penalty provided under MV act for any offence if there is no specific penalty provided for the offence?
The President shall be ________
In which circumstance can a Government security be held in the name of a public office as per the Government Securities Act?