Removal of Tail in lambs is called as Docking.
Which was the first instance of a large-scale and violent rebellion by the Indian sepoys against the British East India Company?
Which of the following is correctly matched?
Which one of the following statements regarding the Constituent Assembly of India is not correct?
Assertion (A): Aurangzeb released Shahu from the prison shortly before Aurangzeb died in 1707.
Reason (R): Zulfiqar pointed that Shahu’s re...
If ‘DREAM’ can be coded as ‘NBFSE’ how can ‘GUIDE’ be coded?
A boy goes to school with a speed of 65 km/h and comes back with a speed of 35 km/h. find his average speed?
According to the provisions of the 2017 act, to be eligible for maternity benefits, a woman must have been working in an organisation for a minimum per...
Which of the following is the prominent language spoken by 8.03% population of India as per 2011 census?
The provident fund created under the provident fund scheme given in the Social Security Code 2020, is contributed by the employer at what percentage of ...
By which treaty was the ILO established?