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Fungi decomposes the organic matter present in the soil by releasing enzymes to break down the decaying material, after which they absorb the nutrients in the decaying material.
Most of the modified assets are linked to troubling project in sectors including power and telecom.
...It’s estranged that , on any given day, ten thousand species are being given between the world just in the ballast water of our supertankers.
His lawyer told him he could not understand why the Justice Department would bring up a charge on the technicality of one misdated check.
The following question contains three statements, one or more of which may not be grammatically correct. You are required to identify the incorrect sta...
Diplomatic tensions have ensured that the two nations competing against each other only in global events.
Which of the words in (a), (b), (c) or (d) given below should replace the words given in bold in the following sentences to make it meaningful and gram...
I. The drink is more healthy than sweet.
II. Our house is the more prominent one in the street; it's painted red.
III. Billiards are ...
India, which has vivacious interests in the Gulf and enjoys good ties with the region’s many countries, cannot afford to be seen to be po...
In order to make the drug widely available and easily accessible so that treatmenting can be starting early, the drug was moved from Schedule X to Sch...
The new restaurant on Main Street is cheap than the old one.