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The use of resistant varieties is very useful method for poor farmers because it does not require additional cost and it is environment-friendly. Host plant resistance is an important tool to control diseases of major food crops in developing countries, especially wheat, rice, potato, cassava, chickpea, peanuts and cowpea.
On which river is the Sardar Sarovar Dam constructed?
Name the Sikh Guru who developed the Gurmukhi script for writing the Punjabi language?
Government of India under “Waste to Wealth” Mission launched which of the following fellowship?
Under Union Budget 2019, the government plans to form 10,000 Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) in the next __ years
National Skill Development Mission was launched by the Prime Minister of India in:
Which among the following books is not written by Arundhati Roy?
Who was the first chairman of Finance Commission of India?
Where is the headquarter of Deutsche Bank AG?
Which of the following is the new alluvium deposited by floods in the Ganga Plain?
What is the IUPAC name of the organic compound depicted in the figure?