Chiasmata formation takes place during Diplonema or Diplotene stage of Prophase I. At this stage further thickening and shortening of chromosomes takes place. Homologous chromosomes start separating from one another (points of contact are known as chiasmata). Separation starts at the centromere and travels towards the ends (terminalization).
What is the Ladli Behna Scheme ( LBS ) , and how does it impact the spending behavior of its beneficiaries, according to the SBI report?
What is the name of the platform the Indian government is launching to centralize startup resources and collaboration?
Analyze the statement and answer the question below :
" Microsoft has recently introduced the Phi - 3 - Mini, a small language model ( SLM...
In India, according to the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, the process of insolvency resolution for companies should be completed in how many days?
Who won two awards at the International News Media Association Global Media Awards in London?
Asian Development Bank (ADB) has sanctioned a _____ loan to waste-to-energy maker SAEL Industries for the construction of five biomass power plants in...
PARVAZ Market Linkage Scheme has been launched by which state/UT?
“Amrit Sarovar” Portal was developed by ______
Which of the following Russian bank launches direct payments in rupees in what would boost bilateral trade and investments in a big way in January 2023?
Which of the following states/union territories is NOT included in the list of areas where the new FM transmitters have been installed by Prime Minister...