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Lab to land Programme was Launched in 1979 by ICAR(Indian Council for agricultural research)
According to the Prevention of Corruotion Act trial by Special Judges has to be concluded within a period of________________
Which of the following is not a punishment within the meaning of Section 53 of the Indian Penal Code?
Are official communications protected under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872? If yes, under which section?
Austin has propounded the theory of?
The question is whether ‘A’ was ravished and thereafter murdered________ The fact that, without making a complaint, she said she had been ravished.<...
A fact neither proved nor disproved is know as______.
According to Indian Partnership Act, 1932 According to the law, what rights does a minor have when admitted to the benefits of partnership in a firm?
The IRDA has the power to make regulations______________
Which of the following elements of the preamble assures the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation?
In which of the following cases Supreme Court held that "Test identification parade is only an aid to investigation. The practice is not born out of pru...