Breeder seed is the progeny of foundation seed. In the seed certification process, the hierarchy typically goes as follows: (A) Breeder Seed: This is the initial generation of seed produced by the plant breeder. It is used to develop new varieties and is not usually made available to farmers. (B) Foundation Seed: Foundation seed is produced from breeder seed. It maintains the genetic purity and identity of the new variety. It serves as the source for producing certified seed. (C) Certified Seed: Certified seed is produced from foundation seed. It is the seed that is made available to farmers for cultivation. It has been further multiplied and meets certain quality and purity standards.
Appeal to SAT under SEBI Act lies against an order of
Which of the following statement is correct?
Mistake referred to in Proviso (1) to Section 92 of Indian Evidence Act, refers to
According to the provisions of the CrPC all the commissions shall have powers like that of ________________________
___________ under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 means a loan or advance made on the security of assets the market value of which is not at any time l...
Who is empowered under the LLP Act to order investigation of the LLP under certain circumstances?
The ____________ shall provide the Director of Inquiry such officers and employees as may be required for the discharge of his functions under the Centr...
As laid down under the Prevention of Corruption Act who has the authority to appoint special Judges?
What is the restriction on commission, brokerage, discount, etc., on sale of shares as per the Banking Regulation Act?
The superintendence of National Investigation Agency shall vest in the_____________________ as per the National Investigation Agency Act