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Scheduling of irrigation depends on all of the above factors: (A) Soil moisture: The moisture content in the soil is a critical factor in determining when and how much irrigation is needed. Soil moisture sensors and measurements help in assessing the soil's water content. (B) Evapotranspiration: Evapotranspiration (ET) is the combined process of water evaporation from the soil surface and transpiration from plants. Monitoring ET rates helps in estimating the water loss from the crop and guides irrigation scheduling. (C) Plant growth stage: The stage of plant growth influences its water requirements. Different crops have varying water needs at different growth stages, so irrigation scheduling takes this into account to ensure optimal water supply.
Concept of allelopathy was given by
Which is not a high salt tolerant crop?
Epigeal germination occurs in which crop?
What does the gravimetric method measure in relation to soil moisture?
________ has propounded that "output is a function of labour and capital".
What did Erwin Chargaff's research reveal about nucleotide bases?
Sugarbeet belongs to family
If there is provision for only one irrigation, then at which stage in wheat the farmer should irrigate the crop?
Number of stamens in green gram is:
Which one of the following correlation type when one variable increases the other tends to increase?