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The minimum tillage, wherein primary tillage is completely avoided and secondary tillage is restricted to seedbed preparation in the row zone only, is zero tillage.
The Iron Age Megalithic site 'Devarlabanda Mula' is located in which state of India?
Which international financial institution did NABARD collaborate with to set up a carbon fund to address climate risks?
Which of the following organization releases the state of World Population Report?
Which of the following is not correctly matched?
Central Pay Commissions : Chairman
...Which is the largest Solar Park in the world as of 2022?
What is the total forest cover in India as per the India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2021?
Which is the largest cave temple in India?
Which bank has announced the launch of its online platform, 'Trade Emerge', to offer comprehensive digital banking and value-added services to exporters...
The husk of a coconut is primarily made of which type of plant tissue?
जयपुर को गुलाबी रंग निम्न द्वारा दिया गया -