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· Nutrient mobility in soil · Very Mobile – (prone to leaching) nitrate Nitrogen, sulfate Sulfur, Boron · Moderately Mobile – Ammonium Nitrogen (Ammonium Nitrogen is temporarily immobile), Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Molybdenum · Immobile – Organic Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc (Chelated forms of Copper, Iron, Manganese and Zinc are mobile and resistant to leaching)
IAS officer Vini Mahajan became the first Woman Chief Secretary of which state in June 2020?
The finance ministry has granted additional borrowing permission of Rs 7,309 crore to two states for the power sector, which are these two states?
The objective of ‘Ladakh Ignited Minds Project' launched by Indian Army is
Recently RBI categorises 16 NBFCs as Upper Layer entities for bank-like compliances, which of the following is not in this list?
What is the essential element that is suitable during the synthesis of proteins and other compounds in plants?
Mohenjodaro site of Harappan civilisation is situated on the bank of which river?
Which of the following is not the Indigenous buffalo breed in India?
The theme for International Mother Earth Day, 2021 was ‘______’.
Which Indian actor has won the 'Russian Audience Heart' Award for 2020?
Recently the Indian Navy received two MH 60R multi-role helicopters from which country ?