Which variety of mango is suitable for High-Density Planting (HDP)?
HDP is defined as planting at a density in excess of that which gives maximum crop yield at maturity if the individual tree grows to its full natural size. In other words, it is the planting of more number of plants than optimum through manipulation of tree size.
The headquarters directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage (DPPQS) is located at which place?
Feni is made from
Which of the following nutrient plays key role in sugar synthesis in Sugarcane?
Fermented bacteria formed which kind of pesticide?
The proportion of area under different crops at a point of time in a region is called:
Inflorescence type present in cashew crop is
Cannibalism in poultry is often due to the deficiency of which nutrient?
First interspecific cross was made by which of the following Scientist?
Vascular – arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) is known for;
TDN stands for: