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Applied to silk cocoons in order to kill the pupae preventing the emergence of moths and allowing them to preserve the silk for long periods of time. Aggressive methods like sun exposure, hot steam from boiling water or hot air.
If H is at extreme right end, then how many persons are sitting H and Z?
Who sits Immediate left of F?
What is the position of Q with respect to S?
Six students are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. P is sitting between I and A. J is sitting at the second place to the right of I. R ...
Five persons are sitting in a row facing north. Driver and Electrician sit at both ends of the row. The plumber sits next to the right of the carpenter....
Seven persons, W, V, H, S, K, J and I, sit along a linear row and face in the north direction. Two persons sit between S and K. K sits at one of the ext...
Six friends Q, N, X, S, R and T are sitting in a row facing north. N and S are adjacent to each other and neither of them is on extreme end. T is sittin...
Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?
I. F and A are immediate neighbors
II. Only one person sits between K and T when counted ...
Who among the following persons sits on the left end of both rows?
P, Q, R, S, T, U , V and W are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Q sits second to the right of S, who is not an immediate neighbour of ...