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"Lime potential" relates to a soil's ability to accept and utilize agricultural lime (calcium carbonate) to counter soil acidity. It is determined by factors such as cation exchange capacity (CEC), calcium, and magnesium content, with a higher lime potential indicating the soil's capacity to effectively neutralize acidity and improve fertility for crop cultivation.
In the following question, a sentence is given, divided into four parts (A), (B), (C) and (D). The error, if any, will only be in TWO PHRASES/PARTS of t...
Out of the statements given below, one statement may be grammatically and contextually correct. Choose the correct statement as your answer. If all the...
1) In newspapers, there are separate sections for food and restaurants, and agriculture and economy.
2) He believes in sticking to local flavors ...
1. While the idea of more green intuitively seems like a score for the environment, the shift from mossy tundra to towering forest will almost certainly...
Her parents were (A)/not interest in spending (B)/money on her education (C).
In the given sentence, one word may have been incorrectly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word from the given alternatives. If there is no error, sel...
She went to(A)/ the store, but(B)/ she forgot to bring her wallet,(C)/ so she had to go back home.(D)
John’s eyes fell on the man’s (A) / shoes, one of which was high (B) / and other low, and he (C) / suddenly remembered something. (D) / No error (E<...
Find out the appropriate word.
The SDF has its origins in (1)/a 2018 amendment to the RBI Act and (2)/is an additionally tool for absorbing (3)/liquidity without any collateral (4).