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The 3 methods used for calculating the national income are : ● Income method ● Output method or Product method ● Expenditure method
In the given question a phrase of the sentence is printed in bold which needs to be improved. Among the given options choose the option that can improv...
In each of the following questions, a part of the sentence has been highlighted. You need to identify which of the given options can replace the highlig...
"Sarah has a talent for painting; whenever she takes up a new project, she really hits the nail on the head ."
No sooner did he finished his examination than he left for his cricket training centre.
I was not the only person to be blamed for the blunder there was my colleagues too.
His advice to them was to not to lose faith in God.
Find the appropriate error.
I had to work without a break yesterday, but after achieving the target, I was happier than tired .
There was nothing very cheerful in the climate or the town, and though there was an air of cheerfulness abroad.
Gel ingredients work well on waved, curled, relax and texture hair in the long run.