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The average monsoonal rainfall of India is estimated to be around 180 million hectare-meters (M ha ‐ m). This value represents the total amount of rainfall received during the monsoon season across the country. It is an important parameter for agricultural planning and water resource management, as it influences crop growth, water availability, and overall ecosystem dynamics.
Which vitamin is also known as folic acid?
Which of the following hormones is released in excess quantity during excitement?
Which catalyst is used for the synthesis of H₂ SO₄ by Lead-Chamber process?
Animals that lack a body cavity are known as:
Which organelle is responsible for producing ATP in a cell?
Green plants are usually the first link in any food chain because
Which of the following is NOT a symptom of Amoebiasis?
Which pair of biotechnological products and their sources is correct?
Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
Which substance is predominantly found in urine?