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Gibberellins are plant hormones that play a crucial role in promoting stem elongation and cell division. When there is a deficiency of gibberellin, it can result in the stunting or dwarfism of plants due to reduced cell elongation.
Founder of Nematology was:
What will be the Land equivalent ration when sole crop yield is 50 & 40 q/ha and intercrop yield is 20 q/ha and 10 q/ha in intercropping system?
Community Development Programme was started on
In angiosperms, the phloem is made up of which of the elements?
The highest number of resistant weeds are associated with which group of herbicides?
Causal agent of Black mildew in mango plant?
In plants, the tubular extensions of plasma ‐ membrane that connect the cytoplasm of adjacent cells are called
The average conditions of weather for a month, season or year are denoted as
The Designated Officer performs the following functions except:
Which of the following is a common symptom of calcium deficiency in tomato plants?