Spheroidal structure is characterized by individual particles of sand, silt, and clay grouped together in small, nearly spherical grains. They are commonly found in the A-horizon of the soil profile.
The Potato tuber turns into green colour due to the presence of ……………………
Which plant species does not possess xylem vessels?
Banana is preferably propagated by _____ part of plant.
Vegetative propagation of date palm is through _________
Which of the following is used as rootstock for sapota?
Which chemical is used to stimulate latex production in rubber trees?
The edible part of the member of Lilliaceae family i.e. Asparagus officinalis is
A phenomenon of the premature shedding of fruit from a tree before they are fully ripe is called___
Palmarosa comes under the family of ___________ .
The phase during which a seedling is most susceptible to pests and damping-off diseases is: