This rating methodology aims to help entities, investors and other interested market participants understand. ICRA's approach in analyzing quantitative and qualitative risk characteristics that are likely to affect ratings of rice entities.
If 'TOGETHER' is coded as 7 and 'BEAUTIFUL' as 8, then what is the code number for the word 'MONOPOLY'?
If all the letters in the word 'COLLECTION' are arranged in English alphabetical order from left to right and then all the vowels are changed to the nex...
Which of the following is coded as ‘ cix nid ’?
If PAPERS is coded as 69, then SMOOTH is coded as?
If in a certain language, ADMIRE is coded as BFPMWK, which word will be coded as CARING?
If 30 $ 90 % 40 = c, then the value of 5 @ c # 20
Which of the following words is coded as “kd” in the given language?
The code ‘Y14&’ stands for which of the following word?
Which of the following is the code of ‘ get ahead ’?
Which of the following is the code for “all are man” ?